In the provided transcriptions, the tones are represented using Chao numbers, with 1 indicates the lowest pitch, and 5 indicates the highest pitch.

The curve below represents three repetitions of one participant in each language.

The four tones of Chengdu are: T1[35], T2[31], T3[53], T4[13]


ɕiaʊ53 jɪər35 niɛ35 lə0 kə23 sʐ35 tsɹ0
Name_prefix Name Verb Aspect Classifier Object Object_Suffix
‘Xiao-yin made a lion (out of mud).’

Subject focus (purple line)

Object focus (orange line)


ɕiaʊ53 jɪn31 na31 lə0 kə23 læ31 tsɹ0
Name_prefix Name Verb Aspect Classifier Object Object_Suffix
‘Xiao-yin brought a basket.’

Subject focus (purple line)

Object focus (orange line)


ɕiaʊ53 jɪn53 mai53 lə0 pa53 ji53 tsɹ0
Name_prefix Name Verb Aspect Classifier Object Object_Suffix
‘Xiao-yin bought a chair.’

Subject focus (purple line)

Object focus (orange line)


ɕiaʊ53 jɪn23 mai23 lə0 suaŋ35 ua23 tsɹ0
Name_prefix Name Verb Aspect Classifier Object Object_Suffix
‘Xiao-yin sold a pair of socks.’

Subject focus (purple line)

Object focus (orange line)

Chengdu combined

The above four figures are combined with the same f0 range on y-axis.